BELTRAIDE today launched the fifth volume of its INVESTBelize Magazine. It's a publication designed to attract investors and showcase opportunities in Belize.
This year the theme is: 'Belize, Your Competitive Hub for Investments', and we found out that it's about demonstrating how innovative business models can
work in Belize:
Lejia Melanie Gideon, GM, Enterprise and Innovation, BELTRAIDE
"The theme for the 5th Volume for the Invest Belize Magazine is Belize your innovative hub for investment. We decided that this was the most appropriate theme because the companies that we are seeing more and more setting up shop in Belize is using a lot of creativity in how they design their businesses and how more important how they deliver their product and services so again it was just showcasing all of the innovative companies we have in the country so far."
Courtney Weatherburne
"I notice there is a focus on a technological move that is the main focus of the magazine or in terms of the feature?"
Lejia Melanie Gideon
"Technology is key whether technology is the enabler in delivering the services or technology is the service that these companies are doing like I had mentioned one company using technology via the BPO industry to teach English as a second language to entrepreneurs, to student in Korea or how Government is suing technology to make itself more transparent and accountable, how we are using and modernizing and the concept of modernizing is that you incorporate technology in various forms in your business. Technology doesn't necessarily have to be the high end technology you see in Silicon Valley but technology just means it is more efficient than you did before."
Courtney Weatherburne
"So tell us about the cover page now, I know there is a specific meaning behind it."
Lejia Melanie Gideon
"If we are going to be saying Belize is the Innovative hub for investment how we are going to translate that in the first cover, so we wanted the cover to illustrate technology, we wanted the cover to illustrate the priority industries, we wanted the cover to illustrate …to inspire whoever sees it : My gosh! I need to do things differently, I need to think differently so the cover comes with promoting what it is to be entrepreneurial, it is promoting what it is to use technology, it is promoting how is it that at the end of the day if we want to strengthen our competitiveness how do we embrace modernization."
The magazine was first launched in 2012.