While Belmopan Police are working on closing that case, Ladyville police have also made major head way in another. As we told you, 22 year old Jesse Mejia was charged for firearm offenses on Wednesday, but today he was brought back to court for additional charges. Those are attempted murder, dangerous harm and use of deadly means of harm. Mejia is accused of shooting Elward Mckay on Pigeon Street in Ladyville. It happened on Monday night. Mackay had just gone to buy food when Mejia allegedly rode up from behind and shot him. Mckay was hit to the back and the bullet exited his chest, but he survived. And as we told you, police quickly made it out to scene and captured Mejia not too long after the shooting. He had raced off on his bicycle but police caught up with him and found the .38 revolver he had allegedly thrown as he tried to escape.