As we told you at the top of this segment, just a few hours ago, the Commissioner of police said that David And Anke Doehm had been released - but other senior sources tell us otherwise tonight.
And that very public confusion arises - in part - because this case is under such close public scrutiny.
Indeed, the death of 13 year old Faye Lin Cannon - in circumstances of extreme abuse - has sent waves of outrage across the country. Today Special Envoy for Women and Children Kim Simplis Barrow commented on this case. Barrow says this tragic case gives a reminder that more social workers are needed to better follow up on these cases of child abuse:
Kim Simplis Barrow - Special Envoy for Women and Children
"It's a sad situation and it's a sad day for us in Belize, the children were living here. When we look back and we always say in hind sight maybe something could have been done. We as Belizeans have to really be more aware of our surroundings, we are very friendly Belizean people and we are very welcoming. The dynamics are changing and especially in San Pedro where the population is growing so much. We have to start being conscious that these things do exist and it doesn't matter, abuse doesn't have a face, abuse doesn't have a status whether it's religious, whether it is financial status, anyone can be an abuser so we also have to be aware of that. We have to continue advocating for more social workers and as I said before I encourage more of our students to take up careers such as these, to become social workers because we do need it in Belize. We have to continue to advocate and we have to continue to provide every single means to protect our children. I am aware that there are different processes and there are different situations whereby a child can be removed from a family. I am not sure if whatever report was made fell under that category so, there are so many different situations and scenarios. I had not received the report as yet."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Do you work along with the human services? Is there a collaboration there when it comes to this case or not necessarily?"
Kim Simplis Barrow - Special Envoy for Women and Children
"Not necessarily, they do their own investigation and their own thing because of my role I will always ask for a report."
As we told you last night, the Human Services Department that they did follow up on reports improper supervision and inadequate parenting in 2014 but after investigating, the parents showed improvement and the case was closed. The department says they don't' have any record of any other reports - while the islanders say they made several complaints and nothing was done.