The major Mayflower Makeover is complete. City councillor Phillip Willoughby and his team succeeded in removing the garbage mound that had settled there. The residents say that for years, they had no proper way to get rid of their garbage so they used their waste as land-fill. Well, yesterday, all that garbage was cleared out. Willoughby and residents told us more about the impact of this initiative.
Phillip Willoughby, City Councillor
"I think by now we have capped the garbage with the clay material and then another layer of material after the clay has set will be put in place on top of that and the residents should be fine in the Mayflower area."
Courtney Weatherburne
"How did it end up at this point?"
Phillip Willoughby, City Councillor
"As an elected official say shame on me, I will take responsibility for not acting and doing something prior to now but regrettably and unfortunately it was a problem that was ignored I am saying there is no more time for any other situation or problem to be ignored."
"We have lined the alleys with these drums, there is a young man that goes by the name and I call him 'Dr. Zues' he is responsible to pick up whatever debris or litter that is along the alleyway to the 4th drum, he is responsible for that and then there is a young man by the name "Cunques" who is responsible for the others so on the garbage day that the truck pass that the garbage should be collected they will ensure that they bring out the drums to ensure that the garbage is picked up and taken away."
Courtney Weatherburne
"So how long have you all been dealing with this garbage problem?"
Ortencia Richard, Resident
"Like for the past 6 years."
Courtney Weatherburne
"So tell us, just describe to us what the situation was before they came in to clean it all up."
Ortencia Richard, Resident
"The situation is we used to have a lot of garbage and we really appreciate that at least Mr. Willoughby came in and made a difference especially for the kids because it used to be really bad with the dirt and the water along with it."
"We really appreciate the fact we could drive in or walk in and it won't be any hazard to the kids."
Courtney Weatherburne
"Will you all make sure that you keep your place clean and properly dispose of your garbage?"
Ortencia Richard, Resident
"Yes and we also appreciate the fact that the Minister brought in garbage cans so we will definitely make sure it stays up to date."
Willoughby told us that he will be spearheading similar programs in the Jungle Hutment and Yabra area.