And turning back now to the standoff in the sugar industry - we re-visit a position of the interview with PUP Orange Walk South Representative Jose Mai. He is a politician, a cane farmer and a member of the BSCFA.
As we've been reporting, the BSCFA has lots of issues with the proposals put forward by ASR/BSI to lock them into a commercial contract for 8 years. And one of the issues that the BSCFA wants to first revisit is the price they get for bagasse - which is the by-product of sugar.
Mai advises them to abandon that argument:...
Jose Abelardo Mai - PUP, OW South Representative
"I will tell you which I won't bother to dialogue or to negotiate on - the price of bagasse. It is just recent that ASR has started to say BELCOGEN was a great concept but a horrible investment, because simply, the co-generation plant was 2 thing wrong: inferior quality and a very bad poorly design which up to today is not functioning to its capacity and hence investments continue to occur on that. So to say that you will get more money out of BELCOGEN for bagasse, I am very doubtful about that - extremely doubtful about that."