The TTP is also being closely observed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - known as UNTAD. That agency has spent the last few weeks analyzing the benefits of the new system. We spoke to one UNTAD representative, who told us that the TTP seems to be working so well that the UN will try to implement it in other countries in the region...
Terrance Lennard - UNTAD
"As I said before during the ceremony we were very impressed with the results of the analysis that we did here. Some of the figures are really staggering for example the VCP members, those who were chosen to be a part of the program when we looked at the value of the goods that they imported over that 2 year pilot period and the revenue they pay, they recorded a 78 percent increase over the previous period for that and that's pretty impressive. The revenue as well has been performing in double digits and that has been sustained over a period of 4 years so even prior to the VCP under the Asycuda World program, we have been seeing some very impressive figures in terms of revenue collection and of course that makes us very proud of what Belize customs and Belize as a nation has achieved, because one of the objectives of the UN system UNTAD is to promote and encourage trade facilitation an environment where the revenue protection and border security is not comprised by facilitating trade, because there is a need for both and so we have found that through analysis that we have a very good model that we have built here together in partnership with the Belize customs and other stakeholders that we can now bring to the other countries particularly in this region to emulate and so we are very pleased with those results."
Risk Management Supervisor, Raquel Waight, will be serving as a key consultant in the implementation.