President of the Public Service Union Eldred Neal has been under suspension for May for derogatory remarks made about Garifunas in the public service. And now - one weeks before the unions annual meeting - the Belmopan branch is trying to get him reinstated.
Last night we told you about a release from the Belmopan Branch of the PSU which has organized a special meeting to, quote, "(settle) the impasse between the parties" because, quote, "This issue of the suspension has dragged on for too long to the detriment of the functions and the image of the Public Service Union of Belize."
But the PSU council of management sent out a release saying it is not in agreement with the language of the release - which is very sympathetic to Neal. Council member Edmund Zuniga Junior told us more via telephone today:...
Edmund Zuniga - Chairman, Belize District Branch, PSU
"The majority of the council of management has agreed to the special meeting. where the problem lies is the fact that there's an initiative to sort of with words to call what we are going to have a special meeting and then refer this as a mediation and so the council of management has some conditions, that we want in order to really get to the table so that there is a resolution not just to get at the table but to have a resolution. The truth is that we speak about mediation, but there's no need to mediate. The simple fact is the president made some disparaging remarks and he needs to come to the table to either say it was him or it was not him and if he says that it was him, then he needs to explain why he did such. He has been to all the media houses and not taken the opportunities to sit around the table to speak to us. We are a responsible council of management and we are affording Mr. Eldred Neal due process to come to the table and to respect us and understand that we need answers as to some of the things that he has said."
We'll tell you the outcome of tomorrow's meeting on Monday's newscast.