Assistant Commissioner Broaster also had to explain the police department's flip flopping on the status of Jafari Castro.
He answered a few pointed questions from the press on the Police Press Office's denial, and their change of position.
Here's the back and forth:
Isani Cayetano - Ch 5 News
"Can you clarify for us what may have been a confusion in terms of, at least the Castro brother being named in the first instance, and then the police department having mentioned that this individual wasn't wanted for questioning at that time, or anything involving the incident. Now, you have since walked that back to issue a warrant for his arrest."
ACP Edward Broaster - Acting OC, Eastern Division North
"Well, I have not walked back anything. I can tell you whilst their name was called, there was nothing official, and I believe that was the message that the press office conveyed to the media, that there is nothing official regarding that issue. We have something official now, hence the reason why the warrants were issued for the 3 individuals named."
Daniel Ortiz
"Do you concede though, that while the police department was making that stance, that you cannot called their names, it is perceived - or can be perceived - that the police department walked back, and it looks as though it is political."
ACP Edward Broaster
"I will not concede to that. Like I said, we report on fact, and we tried our best to be accurate to the media. So, when the media asked specific questions, specific answers are given to the media."
Daniel Ortiz
"Sir, but it appears also that Mr. Yearwood was sort of thrown under the bus. The suggestion is that he was not performing his duties well, but then, there is an undercurrent that he was irresponsible in releasing Mr. Castro's name early. Which is it?"
ACP Edward Broaster
"The situation with Mr. Yearwood has nothing to do with the Castro naming. That matter with Mr. Yearwood will be dealt with internally, and I will not prejudice that matter in the media."
Alindy Marisol Amaya - Krem News
"Mr. Yearwood, when he issued the report saying that the Castro brothers were wanted, he was a member of the Police Press Office. Why did we have this conflicting information? He obviously had that information; the media had that information, but other members of the police press office were refuting vehemently that the Castro brothers were present, were involved in any way."
ACP Edward Broaster
"My final comment on this issue, with regards to that, is the fact that the Press Office, from all accounts that I've seen, stated that there is no official report against them at that time."
Daniel Ortiz
"Sir, is it a concern for you, as someone who wants to maintain the good name of the police department, that this instance - this incident - will be perceived that there was political maneuverings in trying to protect - even if that is not the case - Mr. Jafari Castro."
ACP Edward Broaster
"There is no political maneuvering. There was never any attempt by our press office, or this department to protect anybody from scrutiny."
Police say that they intend to charge Gilbert Franklin Jr., James Young Jr., and Jafari Castro with harm. Gilbert Franklin Jr. will additionally be charged with aggravated assault.