"It is what it is" - that's all the Prime Minister could wearily say on Friday when we asked him about the Ramsey Caye land deals that benefitted the family of former Deputy Prime Minster Gaspar Vega.
And, tonight, there's more - cozy compensation deals for Vega family members that saw them end up with prime real estate on a private island close to san Pedro.
It follows a familiar pattern: compensation for public land transactions of private property which should never have happened in the first place. Sounds familiar? Call it the Vega family special - Daniel Ortiz has more:...
Daniel Ortiz reporting
Ignacio German Vega, Karen Vega, and Eduardo Vega, all family members of Former Lands Minister Gaspar Vega, ended up with land on Mosquito Caye, which approximately 8 and a half miles northwest of San Pedro Town.
These compensation with land instead of monies from the public purse, happened when Gaspar Vega was in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources. If you follow the document trail, it suggests that this was some error. The Ministry should have known it had no right to sell the original pre-owned parcels of land, but it did so anyway.
Here in this document, it says that in May 2006, Belize Conservation Land Holdings Limited was granted 6.74 acres of land on Caye Caulker, 1 mile north of the iconic Split.
Here in this document it says that in May 2007, the company Belize Conservation Land Holdings sold this piece of land on Caye Caulker to the other company Charter House Holdings.
Here it says that Charter House Holdings paid 700,000 US dollars to buy the land.
The documents continue the history of this piece of land, noting that Charter House Holdings entered an agreement with Aquarius Holdings Limited for this very same 6.74 acres of land.
So, it's private, and the Ministry should have known this. However, in 2009, the Gaspar Vega Led Ministry sold a portions of this private land to the private citizens. In this document it says that Krystel Guzman bought lot 3 for $2,500.
Here in this document, Darrel Henry bought lot 1 on Caye Caulker in 2009, from the Government of Belize.
This document it says that Amy Forte bought Lot 2 from the Government for $2,500. All of these transactions happened on the same date, May 18, 2009.
The documents then say on February 16, 2010, Krystel Guzman sold her land parcel to Ignacio German Vega and Karen Vega.
She supposedly collected the very modest fee of $30,000 for land worth twenty times that.
Darrel Henry sold his to Eduardo Vega, also on February 16, 2010.
He supposedly collected $25,000 - again, a mer fraction of the market value.
Amy Forte allegedly sold her piece of land to Andre Vega, also for $30,000, she did her transaction 1 day after Krystel Guzman and Darrel Henry.
But, remember, these parcels of land are all part of that private land that Aquarius Holdings now owns.
That forced a situation where the Ministry somehow felt it had to compensate them for a private transaction, and instead of paying out government funds, the Lands ministry compensated with public land to these members of the Vega family.
For their bogus title, Karen and German Ignacio Vega were then given 8.167 acres of land on Mosquito Caye in November 2014.
For his bogus title to the private Caye Caulker Land, Eduardo Vega was given 7.215 acres of land on Mosquito Caye in April of 2015.
The leaked documents do not say what Andre Vega was compensated with for his bogus land title to that private land document.
As we understand it, the story of Mosquito Caye gets interesting in 2007 when Florencio Marin Sr was lands Minister and he leased it to an individual in Corozal. As we understand it, Vega cancelled the lease and that's what put the land in play.
We'll keep following the story.