For the past 2 nights, we've been showing you the latest set of leaked documents out of the Lands Department. It shows how family members of Former Lands Minister Gaspar Vega ended up getting compensated with island properties on Mosquito Caye. That's after the Lands Department sold duplicate land titles to parcels of land on Caye Caulker that were already privately owned. The owners of those pre-owned titles then sold it to the Vega's in a private transaction - which, the Ministry of Natural Resources compensated them for.
It follows a similar pattern that has been revealed several times over the past few months with land acquisition by the Vegas and today, the PUP released a statement basically saying, enough is enough.
Their statement says, quote, "The People's United Party is appalled at the level of corruption which has been revealed in the Ministry of Natural Resources, and which overwhelming evidence shows is directly linked to Gaspar Vega and members of his family…..The PUP, on behalf of the Belizean people, demands that the Prime Minister immediately convene an impartial investigative team to look into the gross unjust enrichment of Vega and members of his family from the public purse, with a view to criminal prosecution."
Of course, the PUP says that they have no confidence that the Prime Minister will take decisive action. The statement says, quote,"He has consistently and deliberately ignored all evidence of wrongdoing where Vega, his personal friend, is concerned... We send notice to Mr. Barrow that his deliberate inaction... makes him complicit." End quote.
Their statement ends by promising that if they get into government they will take action against the Vega family to recover those pieces of land, and prosecute anyone deemed to have committed wrongdoing.