7 year old Tyler Savery was killed in November of 2016, and since then his mother Shakera Young has been leading her own crusade to turn his loss, into a gift for others. She followed through with that today when she donated one hundred backpacks to deserving children. 7News was there:...
Shakera Young, Event Coordinator
"We are giving away backpacks today with supplies within the backpack. But within the backpack, I have also included a New Testament bible for the kids."
"My reason for doing this initiative as you know is due to my son and I am keeping his memory alive, but it is also my way of trying to bring a difference within the community with the kids."
"So what I'm doing is bringing them together to you know to get familiar with each other versus having them as rivals."
"I definitely think that they are going to benefit from it. Um, today's event, we are just going to let them have a little pool time and then we are going to have a little gathering, a little fellowship with them."
Sahar Vasquez, reporter
"Are they selected to attend or are they just invited?"
Shakera Young
"Well they were selected. The way I did was I got assistance through CYPD because these are the people that are actually seeing the people know their conditions."
"I also had assistance from Mr. Jefferies in Hattieville to recruit kids from that area as well."