7 News Belize

UDP Chairman On The Vega Factor
posted (August 31, 2017)
We also spoke with the Chairman of the UDP, Alberto August. His post makes him responsible for the party's political performance and machinery, and all the Vega baggage is causing the party loads of bad press in the run up to a municipal election.

So will the political hemorrhagic affect the party in those elections? Here's his take on it:

Alberto August, Chairman - UDP
"I think you are aware that the Office of the Prime Minister has issued a statement on that matter and there was something about bringing in the police for the investigation. So that is where it is at. In terms of party discussion of that matter, I don't know if it's up for the party to discuss, but we are having a meeting of the central executive of our party on Wednesday 13th September and probably that might come up. But in terms of any organized discussion on the matter, no. All we know is what you guys know about the Office of the Prime Minister issuing instructions of the matter would be handed over to the police. The police are independent. They are known to conduct their own investigation and let the chip fall where they may."

"What will the party do from an ethical standpoint, seeing as though this seems to fly in the face of any morally or ethically right thing to do?"

Alberto August, Chairman - UDP
"What you are doing is basically putting the cart before the horse. What needs to happen first is the police investigation needs to be conducted and on the basis of that then I am sure the party is going to make a decision as to what the next course of action will be."

"Sir is it a concern for you that your party is embattled at this time. The allegation is that whether or not it can be proven at this time, the optics is that you're a member of the party that you are the chairman of is caught up in a scandal for land."

Alberto August, Chairman - UDP
"Any kind of concern that sort of brings bad image for the party of course is a concern to myself as chairman of the party, because it just makes it a little harder for us to be successful at the poles, but we are known and in tandem with the leader of our party of course. We are known to be able to handle any kind of adversity that comes before the party."

"The allegations has always been that the management of this party tends to shove its head under the sand and pretend that thing don't happen."

Alberto August, Chairman - UDP
"You realize that this allegation has been going on for several months. It is only now seeing to come to the front because they realize now that we have a formidable candidate in Orange Walk Town that is going to bring victory for our party on March 7th. That's the bottom line and focus. The opposition focus is on Orange Walk. You notice that they are not focusing anywhere else in this country, but only on Orange Walk because the leader of their party comes from Orange Walk and if he loses Orange Walk it is going to be a terrible political blow for him."

Later on in the news, we'll show you the Orange Walk UDP Town Council Slate that the party launched in the midst of this scandal.

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