And in our last story from FFB's extraordinary congress the executive had to remove an agenda item which had planned to dismiss a number of persons from the FFB.
Among that list of persons to be terminated were Ruperto Vicente, Michael Blease, John Palacio, and Shane Orio. But, most of those dismissals never happened because due process was never followed.
In that letter from FIFA, the Secretary General referenced the dismissals noting that the congress does not have the authority to terminate them.That's because, similar to the electoral committee, and the electoral appeals committee, no proper justification was given.
We note that one day before this letter was sent to them, the FFB released an amended agenda, and these dismissals were taken off the list of agenda items for last Saturday's extraordinary congress.
Here's what the Acting President had to say on that issue:
Marlon Kuylen - Acting President, FFB
"It was unclear if the congress had authority to dismiss staff members of the secretariat. Although the congress has the authority to dismiss members or persons or associations, when that request comes in, there has to be justification, because those members in question would then have an opportunity to make a case for themselves or defend themselves at a congress like today."
Ian Haylock, President - PLB
"There were some inconsistencies and irregularities in arriving at some of those names that were listed there for dismissal. One of the things that the PLB have always advocated for was fair play, transparency in relation to moving football forward and we were of the opinion that over the years we have seen a lot of irregularities and hopefully by appointing and electing a new FFB executive, we were hoping that this would somewhat change the regular order of business that was formally in place which was to regulate and ensure that fair practice and fair play was within football and moving forward in a correct direction."