Reports this weekend on social media and WhatsApp were that there had been all kinds of violence, and mayhem in the city. But really, police say that apart form the j'obvert mass shooting, they only have the report of one other shooting. The Southside commander told us about it today:...
Sr. Supt. Marco Vidal - Southside Commander
"There was an incident involving Mr. Darwin Martinez, who was accompanied by one of his relatives who was driving his vehicle and they were on their way from an activity heading to Sibun Street. So at the corner of Ebony and Sibun, that is where shots were fired and Mr. Martinez received injuries to his upper shoulder. He has since been discharged from the hospital and we are in the process of getting statements and carry on with the investigation. Well, from what we have gathered it appears to be a random shooting, targeting pretty much anybody in that area. It wasn't targeted at any rival gang, it was in fact just random shooting that they were doing."