On Monday night at around 11:00 on a back street in Mahogany Heights, a bungalow house burnt down to nothing. The house belonged to tourism Police Officer, Joy Dougall.
Sadly, this is not the first major loss for her. In June of last year, her 17 year old daughter Jasmine Petillo was viciously stabbed to death and now her house is gone.
We did go to the scene of the fire but Dougall was not available for an interview - and when we reached her later, she declined comment.
We were able to speak to her neighbor who saw the fire.
Henry Hulse, resident
"We came out here but there was nothing we could do, because if you go in there the thing might fall in on you and so my nephew told me to just leave it alone because there is nothing you could do. The fire truck got here, the police got here after the place has already burnt down and the fireman came long after that about half an hour after the police got here. I think someone tampered with it. That's my opinion. This would not just started to blaze like that."
In a statement she gave to the police Dougall said that no one had been in the house for two weeks. Still, someone got inside, and the Fire Department has determined that the fire started from the inside. The police continue to investigate, but have no suspects. Police claim that Douglas told them she does not know who would want to burn down her home.
We note that 15 months later no one has been arrested for the murder of Jasmine Petillo.
Those close to Douglas have made posts on Facebook saying that the perpetrators of the murder are also responsible for burning down her house.