The US Bureau on International Labour Affairs today issued its 2016 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
Right off the bat, Belize is listed as a country that made minimal advancement in eliminating child labour. All other countries in Central America were judged to have done better.
The report found that the minim age for work - which is below the age of 14 - does not conform to international standards. The international standard is 15 years.
It adds that prohibitions on child commercial sexual exploitation are inadequate in Belize.
The report notes that, quote "Children in Belize perform dangerous tasks in agriculture. Children also engage in the worst forms of child labor, including in commercial sexual exploitation, sometimes as a result of human trafficking." End quote. It adds that, quote, "Children in Belize are increasingly being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation in areas frequented by tourists or seasonal workers, such as truckers and citrus workers." End quote.
And what's to blame? The report notes, quote, "labor inspections in rural and agricultural areas were hampered by a lack of resources, including vehicles and fuel."