The Pink Eye outbreak has been spreading like wildfire in Belize. Thousands of children and adults have come down with the condition - and, every day, hundreds more show up at clinics for diagnosis and treatment.
Even though it only lasts up to five days, the great discomfort that accompanies the condition, makes life miserable for that short time.
So, right now in Belize everyone is either recovering from it, or doing all they can to not contract it. Today 7 news went out on Albert Street to hear how people are coping with the outbreak and we also learned about some unique remedies that are used to fight the Pink.
"Have you gotten pink eye yet?"
Interviewee 1
"I gotta meet thousands of people in the nature of my work so to avoid contact with the pink eye I avoid physical contact. People like to shake my hand so I buck fist. However, I make sure I don't ever touch my face until I get home and wash my face."
Interviewee 2
"No not at all I think the most important thing is if you take common sense to wash your hands and make sure you don't touch your eyes or anything like that then it's totally fine and safe. Just walk around and use common sense."
Interviewee 3
"I have been using hand sanitizer wash my hand often. To everything I touch I use hand sanitizer."
Interviewee 4
"I haven't had it and my kids don't have it. We keep them away from other kids. We wash our hands and take the necessary precautions."
Interviewee 5
"Just keep washing my eyes every 15 to 20 minutes I wash my eyes."
"Sir have you gotten pink eye yet?"
Interviewee 6
"Yes I have. It was like sand in your eyes. It was very itchy and then when you go to sleep when you get up there is coal in your eyes. I got eye drops."
Interviewee 7
"I am trying to prevent pink eye by washing my hands, washing my face every day. Once you get to the bathroom or anything that you work on just make sure your hands are washed clean."
Interviewee 8
"Well it started very very you know and then on the later on about three days it affected both eyes very much so I bought an eye drop."
"Did any of your family members get it too?"
Interviewee 9
"Yes all through everyone got it. Yes everybody got it so that affected the whole family."
Interviewee 10
"Best way to avoid it is to make sure you don't touch anybody. Clean your hands and wash your
Interviewee 11
"If I try to rub my eye. If I see anybody has it I keep out of the way and don't mingle with them. I had pink eye in the seventies. No, because for me it was terrible. It burnt my eyes like sand."
Interviewee 12
"Well I and my family try to wash our hands with a lot of soap and those things right. We always try to follow what doctors say with instructions so that nobody catches it."
Interviewee 13
"Yes I already caught it. I have it right now."
"So you have pink eye right now but your eyes don't look red."
Interviewee 13
"Because I just caught it this morning. Check it a lot of water is dropping. No I use lime. I don't use eye drops because eye drops don't cure. I already cured it in Honduras with lime and I use rum too with lime. "
"Have you heard about the big pink eye epidemic?"
Interviewee 14
"Yes my whole family in Trinidad has it. Well I gave them a remedy it's like your first urine in the morning you wash your eyes with that. Your first urine. You wash your eyes with your pee and then you use like two tea bags at night you draw it and after it is cool you take the tea bag and put it on your eyes tie it and go sleep and it draws all the inflammation out your eyes. The next day your eyes feel better and you do it again. That is our remedy for Trinidad."
The Pink Eye eye drops have not been easy to find due to the high demand. Some pharmacies have even run out of the eye drops and are awaiting the new shipment.
Now, the only rule is this: if you have pink eye stay home, stay away from others - health authorities say that's the only way the outbreak will be contained.