And that too is expected to have bi-partisan support. But it wasn't all hand-holding and kumbaya's across the house floor today, there was, of course, robust debate and fiery assaults - the most notable on mad eon commissioner of police Allen Whylie. PUP Deputy Leader Cordel Hyde produced a 2008 communication from former US Ambassador to Belize Robert Dieter where he reported on the results of lie detector tests administered on 33 Police OfficerS and BDF soldiers. 23 of them passed, and 10 failed - and one of those who failed was present Commissioner Allen Whylie. Hyde outlined the sensational findings:...
Hon. Cordel Hyde - Area Rep, Lake I
"I have in my hand, Madam Speaker, a letter from US ambassador to Belize Robert J. Dieter to the Ministry of National Security in Belmopan dated November 6, 2008. In that letter, the gentleman speaks and says that attached please find the administered polygraph results for September 30th, 2008 through October 9th, 2008. A polygraph is what they call a lie detector test. It seems, Madam Speaker, that the Americans administered a lie detector test on perhaps 34 of our senior public officers and BDF officers and Coast Guard personnel. According to Ambassador Dieter's letter, the questions asked of the officers were whether they had committed any serious crime or whether they had provided investigative information to criminal organizations. What we know from this letter I have in my hand, Madam Speaker, is that of those 34 persons 23 passed the test; 8 failed. But the most notable of it Madam Speaker, is captured in number 29, speaks to a certain senior police officer who is the top cop in all this land. It is said that this senior police officer at this time in 2008 failed this lie detector test when he was asked the question whether he had provided information to criminal organizations. Very serious business, Madam Speaker and I hope I am wrong. I am hoping it is not the same person I'm thinking because what happened is that less than a year later this senior cop was promoted to CEO in the Ministry of National Security. This senior cop…I don't have to mention the name, everybody knows who I am talking about. This senior cop then less than three years later was appointed Commissioner of Police. I am hoping that maybe the guy had a bad day."
Well, he probably did have a bad today - after that was released.
We reached Whylie today via WhatsApp and he said he never saw "such report, nor was a copy shared with him." He added, quote, "I am a straight person and have nothing to hide. Persons who fail any US polygraph can not receive any training or support from the US. I have and continue to receive such."