Now, the allegation that police have planned an execution of Kenneth Big Tom Flowers first came to our attention through Facebook. Last night, the artist named Cross Di Nitro - who Flowers promotes and sponsors - posted a video where he put it out there that police had made it clear they planned to kill Big Tom - who he calls his "General." After that, he made many startling threats against police and public safety. Here's what he had to say and how the Commissioner of Police reacted today:...
"Cross Di Nitro" - Big Tom Supporter
"The man come and the man say out of his own mouth that he get orders from the higher boss to set a hit on my general who is Big Tom, Kenneth Flowers. What is going on with you all G? What you all feel like? You all feel like you are untouchable? "Bwai, you have pickni you know. Watch here, laugh attraction thing might just happen to you all. Things that you don't even wish will happen you yourselves or to your love ones. You all get the sense. You all make sure you know what you are doing."
"You all want us to plant some bombs at your stations? You get the sense. Just like how you all have guns, guns is out here too. Just like how you all have grenades, grenades are out here too. I am being straight up, this is a serious matter. I am not playing."
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"The video and the contents are very alarming and concerning to me, because its makes threats not only against police officers and their families and children, but it's also makes threats against the ordinary citizens of Belize. Those threats the police will not be taken lightly. I can tell you that, that young man will be located, he will be detained - we will be looking at all available laws with a view to see where we can if possible criminally charge him. We cannot have persons using social media to incite violence and incite fear to citizen across this nation."
Col. George Lovell (Ret'd) - CEO, Home Affairs
"I see it as a very irresponsible act simply because people will hear those things and there are certain people who will act on those things even without the individual going there and telling them to do certain things and that is the danger of those kinds of message being sent through social media."
"Cross Di Nitro" handed himself into police for questioning this evening - along with his attorney.
But what about the substance of his claim - that police made a threat that they would kill Kenneth Flowers? From our knowledge of how the police special teams conduct themselves - we would say this is not farfetched at all that an officer would say something like that. Also, state sponsored executions, classed either as accidental deaths in custody or unexplained deaths have happened before.
But, Commissioner Whylie disagrees with both conclusions. He says no "sensible" officer would make such a threat - and police are not in the business of killing:..
Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police
"I cannot understand why a sensible police officer would say the things that this individual is claiming the police officer said and so whilst that matter will be looked into, I very much doubt that that is so."
"I don't see any sensible police officer if they would want to do something of that nature would go and tell the people who basically the gentleman is associated with. Perhaps the stage is being set to claim that if something happens to this so-called "general" that is the police. But I can tell you that the police is not in that business."