For the past week, Belize Infrastructure Limited, known as BIL has been all over the news. No less than the Prime Minister suggested that BIL's manager Christy Mastry is to blame for the disaster that is Lake - I Boulevard. For those not familiar with the name, that's the street connecting the new bridge to the Western Highway.
Well, today BIL issued a 700 word press release to change the narrative in this blame game. They say they were called in to design a mile long, 100 foot wide road including sidewalks, easements and lighting, all on a 3.25 million dollar budget and a tight timeline. They say that they employed standard construction practices used in the past on both Northern and Western Highways. But they messed up on the fill, and the release says, quote, "We now expect that some form of stone-based fill will have to be placed similar to ongoing construction on the Philip Goldson Highway.
The release happily adds, quote, "To date the road does serve the purpose of traffic alleviation without the dust and mud once challenging that access during rainy season." This, we suppose, is the best that can be said of a failed road.
But, as for the blame game, the release says quote, "The General Manager of BIL, defends her reputation as an open and transparent professional and reiterates that there has always been representation by the Ministry of Works on the Board. At no time was there any competing or conflicting engineering designs to the Lake Independence Blvd that the Board knew about or has knowledge of still today." This contradicts what the Ministry of Works Project Execution Unit engineer had to say. It adds, quote, "The design was prepared, evaluated, contracted and signed off by BIL and the Ministry of Works members on the Board."
They say quote, "The road bed material, less than one fifth of the budget, can and will be salvaged for fill and compaction under future design phases." BIL will consult with the Ministry of Works on this.