Orange Walk storeowner Amit Moryani was killed last Friday when he tried to defend his mother in an armed holdup of their store in Orange Walk Town. Since then police have said that the culprits are a pair of men who have been wreaking havoc throughout Orange Walk. Police say the same duo had previously pulled off armed holdups of stores in Carmelita and Trial Farm. They were doing the same on Friday night, but the 37 year old Moryani stood up for his mother - and ended up getting killed while the thieves made off with a measly three hundred dollars.
Today police said that they have questioned suspects, but had to release them:
Supt. Alejandro Cowo- CIB, Belize City
"Yes, I know that several persons have been detained, they have been questioned. Unfortunately, they had to be released from custody because we know there is no other information coming to police. Yes, we have a group of guys that we are looking at who we believe are the suspects. They have been brought in one by one and questioned but unfortunately, we have to release them because we don't have enough evidence to charge them at this time. Police have reviewed several footage in that area that is what is assisting us in the investigation."