So, since these persons holding nationality that they were not entitled to, the Senate also asked him about the process of revocation, and what would have to happen if and when this Committee makes that recommendation at the end of these hearings.
He said that it will be the responsibility of the Director of Immigration, the Minister of Immigration, and the CEO to follow through:
Eamon Courtenay - Senator for the Opposition
"Persons who have nationality, there is a list of about 2,000 people who, we've had testimonies, that they were irregularly granted nationalities. First of all, what is the process for revoking those nationalities?"
Nigel Hawke - Solicitor General
"Well, I mean the practice I've seen is that the director would usually request, if there is suspicion in respect with a particular document for nationality, would usually request an opinion from the office of the solicitor general. We would usually render an opinion. Thereafter, based on the nationality act, the minister has the general power, under the law, to revoke that nationality once he or she is satisfied the requirements of the law have not been met. Be that as it may, you may have instances where it is difficult to assume certain issues so we would usually advise out of an abundance of caution that we should make all efforts to see if we can contact the person. Barring that, having satisfied yourself that you've made sufficient efforts to contact that person, I think you can then proceed with the issue of revocation because in some of them they are so palpably bad you just have to recommend the revocation of the nationality."
Eamon Courtenay - Senator for the Opposition
"Whose responsibility is it to do something about these persons who are apparently holding illegal nationality of Belize?"
Nigel Hawke
"Technically I should say, based on our constitutional construct, it would be the chief executive officer of the particular subject ministry, here we are talking about immigration. But I think working in tandem to the CEO would have to be the director of immigration. In terms of doing a critical analysis of the 2,000 that may be out there and putting together a strategy as to how we can address those matters in moving them out of the way. And when I say moving them out of the way I mean dealing with them promptly."