So, while residents of Cotton Tree continue to grapple with grisly murder, Belmopan police have been working with their customary swiftness. The main suspect is detained and 7News has learned that investigators have collected key pieces of evidence, and are close to making an arrest.
And while that is unofficial, at the official level, today, at their bi-weekly press briefing, Police told us that they have past reports of Cotton Tree villagers complaining about Wade's behavior; and likewise, they also have reports in which Wade complained about the villagers:
ASP Alejandro Cowo, OC - CIB Belize City
"Police have so far detain a person. The person is presently in custody. He is being dealt by Roaring Creek police and I know that his residence was search where police found certain items that can assist in the investigation. What the police has gathered so far by interviewing the neighbors that he was a person that lived by himself. He was living in that house for a good while. He was a person that suffered some kind of mental illness. However, he has nothing certified to confirm that. We know that he had that same mental and cause him to have several disputes with the villagers and things like that."
"I have been informed that he has visited several times the same police station and giving complaints about the villagers likewise."
"There are several leads that we are following as to many complaints from the villagers as to his behavior and other things that might result in his death."
Daniel Ortiz, reporter
"Have police been able to identify whose the owner of that home sir? Does he owned it as far as police are aware?"
ASP Alejandro Cowo
"We have a name, but we have not confirm it yet. We are trying to get the people from the lands department to verify who is the actual owner of that premises there."
Cowo referred to police finding certain items that can assist in the investigation. We're told those items include bloodied clothing which the killer used. Police may also have the murder weapon.
According to Wade's friend, Veron, Wade had been living in the abandoned house for about a year. Some villagers say that he has family in Esperanza and may have a spouse and kids in the US. Now the cotton Tree friends are trying to organize a wake.