We heard that one loud and clear, he IS the mayor - but for all Bradley's bluster today - we still haven't seen any movement on the Commercial Center renovation project. It's been promised for months - and nothing has happened. Today, the mayor said, this month, surely:...
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"You will demit office and the commercial center will still be an edifice that is unpainted, that gives a ghastly appearance to the entire city."
Darrell Bradley, Mayor - Belize City
"I will agree that it's a thing that we have made quite a bit of in terms of the renovation of the commercial center and I think that it's a project that we've been working on for the last 3 years and I think we are right at the precipice where we are actually trying to see if we can get the project going. I have had meetings with the contractor, I've had meetings with the supervising engineer. We've communicated with the bank. We've communicated with the lawyer for the bank and we also have the support of the Minister of Finance. So it seems that the project might actually get going before the end of the year."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"But it will actually start? Because you set us up before."
Darrell Bradley, Mayor - Belize City
"One of the things that you had pointed out and I think rightly so, is that the building looks unsightly. You have a lot of homeless people now who sleeps in the lower flat of the building. It's a security risk and so forth. So that the building must be renovated. It's a big blight in the downtown."
In late June 2017, the mayor promised that demolition of the old commercial center would start in early July - and that work would be finished by March of 2018.