Two Punta Gorda police corporals have been criminally charged for beating up teenager Victor Kus. Last week Wednesday Corporal's Ico and Coy pounced on the 16 year old - and beat him so badly that the doctor classified the injuries as grievous harm. The teen lost three teeth, got a bad black and blue eye, and an injury to his arm. His cell phone was also destroyed.
His father was outraged by the crime and demanded court action - which is what has happened. The Head of the Professional Standards Branch, ACP Chester Williams told us more today:
ACP Chester Williams, O.C., Professional Standards Branch
"In respect of that matter, I have given instructions to the officer commanding Punta Gorda Police Station to lay criminal charges against the police officers concerned for grievous harm and damage to property. So they should be charged before the week ends and they will be arraigned in court on criminal charges and they will also be charged disciplinarily in respect of their disciplinary infractions where that matter is concerned."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"We know how easily we can fool our fathers, but the father claimed that his son was doing nothing illegal and in deed he was not charged for anything. Was there a personal element involved?"
ACP Chester Williams
"I will say that there is overwhelming evidence against the officers, that what they did was wrong and unjustified and based on that the directive was given for them to be charged."
The beating happened 50 yards from Kus's home.