On Wednesday we showed you our final installment in our interview with Belizean Jarrell Big Baby Miller - the #2 ranked contender for the world heavyweight title. He has certainly made a name for himself on the international boxing scene and today he shared his the story of his journey with Belmopan youth. I was there to meet him and here is that story.
Courtney Weatherburne, reporting
Jarrell "Big Baby Miller"- he is quite comfortable in the boxing ring - pounding on his opponents and knocking them out, 18 of the 20 he's faced so far.
But today, Miller transformed the Belmopan Civic Center stage into his ring; taking on a willing sparring partner.
Now the Civic is no MGM Grand or Madison Square Garden but his audience, like the tens of thousands that pay to see him, were equally eager to meet him today on his countrywide tour.
Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller, World Heavyweight Contender
"Well so far I have been in Belmopan for a couple of days, I went to San Pedro, I was in the city. We still have to hit Dangriga and Placencia before we leave."
But today's visit was more than just showing off boxing moves.
Courtney Weatherburne, reporter
"What is the main message and of course how they can use some of the basic principles in boxing in their everyday life as youth?"
Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller, World Heavyweight Contender
"The main thing is be steadfast which means you keep your chin down, hands up and keep moving forward because you are going to take hits in life as you take in the ring but you know champions don't quit, you can't quit, you might have a hard round, a hard day, a hard week and a hard year but the main goal is staying focused and success will come once you have a game plan."
For some of these kids, this experience was all about being in the presence of an international boxer, a celebrity but hopefully for others, Miller's success story as a Belizean will inspire them to work hard toward their dreams.
Supt. Howell Gillett, O. C, Belmopan Police Station
"This is one of the biggest days in the life of Belmopan police and we are so happy for Jarrell to have been here with us and the kids as you have seen they are very excited. We are so happy to have him listening to his story and it is inspiring and very motivational."
"We are hopeful that the content of his speech will linger in the minds of the young people for many years to come."
250 kids from 12 villages near Belmopan attended today's event. Miller returns to New York on Monday - but that all depends on how the blizzard on the East Coast holds up. Miller says he has an upcoming fight probably at the end of March on HBO, so you can look out for that. He plans to return to Belize and open two gyms - one in Belize City and another on San Pedro or in Placencia.