Time is running out for attorney Andrew Bennett - and he could go before a Magistrate this week. As we have reported, Bennett is facing multiple indictments in the US for money laundering. The US sent an extradition request last month - and since then, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Solicitor General, and the Attorney General have signed off on it.
So, it is now in the hands of the chief magistrate Sharon Fraser - to issue a provisional warrant for his arrest - which, again, could happen later this week or early next week. After that, the crown counsel and his attorneys will go before her for her to decide if the evidence is enough for a prima facie case. If she agrees, she would issue a warrant for his committal to Belize central prison. In the modern era, we have never witnessed an attorney sent to prison for any period of time.
We note that even if the Chief Magistrate decides that he should be extradited, he has multiple avenues to fight it in the Courts, and a final appeal to the Foreign Affairs Minister himself.