A first form student from Maud Williams was given the "Do the right thing" award today. Johana Ramos has made a positive impact on her peers and she was recognized today. We dropped by to capture this proud moment.
Courtney Weatherburne, reporter
"In terms of the criteria how do you guys go about choosing these awardees?"
Corporal Wilfredo Petillo, Community Policing
"Well we look at academic, we look at behavior, we look at turn around stories so it is not just those who continue doing the right thing that we award but those that change their life around."
"Johana is a proud member of one of our youth programs also she started in the police youth cadet corp. since she was in Standard 6, 2006, 2007. She was awarded cadet of the month in February 2017 and now we have seen her shine overall using her cadet objectives."
Johana Ramos, Awardee
"I think I did a positive thing in the country and in my community, I topped the school, my average was the highest, I stop bullying and I encourage students to stay in school and focus on their work."
Roberto Bautista, English Teacher
"Despite this being primarily about Johana, it is about what Johana represents and what we all can represent as she is a manifestation of what the youths could be and despite the circumstances that you come from there are people who come from even worse circumstances and are in celebrated situations or celebrities and such and she is showing that it is possible."
The Do the right thing program is a police initiative that recognizes and celebrates youth. It began in 2004.
Now apart from this award, there was a ceremony to start off career week at the school. English teacher Roberto Bautista told us more.
Roberto Bautista, English Teacher
"We are celebrating career week here at Maud Williams and career week is basically about the 4th formers making their final step into the workforce and the 1st formers expressing to them that "hey we hope you could role model positive behavior. We hope that you become radical people that fight for our rights, we hope that you don't become one of those people who sensationalize negativity but embrace positivity. So it just both ends of the spectrum we have Johana, freshman in high school and we have the 4th formers who is about to depart but it is a message of saying there are things to come and we hope they succeed."
Neville Somerville, 4th Former
"In my perspective I just come to make the students a good role model, I just want teach them what I learn and what I go through so let them not stay on that path because they have good and bad you go true when you are coming up."
On Friday there will be a business expo at the school to end off the week.
7News for Monday, January 22nd, 2018 from 7News Belize on Vimeo.