It was probably the best racket that the cops had going. It’s called “special duty” - and it’s how all ranks of police officers get paid to use their uniform - and earn extra dollars on the side, tax free. If you’re not familiar with the term - you certainly are familiar with the practice. When you see uniformed police working at bars, nightclubs, or concerts, they’re on special duty, meaning they are earning $12.50 an hour for constables, $ 14.50 per hour for Sergeants, and $15.00 per hour for senior officers.
Now, it’s legitimate work, much needed for the maintenance of law and order, and there’s there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact there are provisions for all these requests for police officers to be processed through the police administrative office.
But, we say it’s a racket because special duty has been turned into a kind of private security service administered privately by police - meaning that many of the requests for police at private functions don’t go to the proper police desk - instead they go through senior cops, who act as contractors and subcontract junior cops to do the duties. It’s a good deal for all involved since payment is prompt - often in cash, and always tax free.
Well, as you heard the other night, the Commissioner doesn’t like it one bit. And today his office sent out a release saying, basically, that racket is over.
It says, quote, “With immediate effect the business establishment/ individuals requesting officers to work Special Duty must apply to the respective Formations/ Sub-Formation Commanders at least (72) seventy two hours prior to the scheduled event….Where practical, businesses are encouraged to employ private security companies. If the application is approved, the establishment will be given an invoice and be required to make necessary payments into the Treasury Department prior to any Police Officer being detailed for such duty. It concludes,
“This directive is NOT intended to frustrate businesses but to ensure greater accountability and security.”
It’s bad news for all those cops who depended on a steady stream of work and quick cash form special duty - now they have to wait for it in their end of month pay and that will be subject to tax.