And while florists are feasting on all the business, for one man who makes a public shrine for everything from Halloween to carnival, it's about the spirit of the day, not the spending spree.
Stanley Lizama is a mortician by profession, but his calling is to be a celebrant of all special occasions. Today Courtney Weatherburne found him distilling the sweetness of Valentine's into gestures of goodwill. Here's her report:..
Courtney Weatherburne reporting
There is nothing a glass of wine can't fix - and for these residents - it is exactly what they need for their pre-valentine celebration on 2nd Street.
Stanley Lizama decorated this shed with posters and flowers for Valentine's day and like Taurus Riley, Lizama treats his women like royalty.
Stanley Lizama, Mortician
"This is for the lovers right for Valentines for tomorrow , I want all our Belizeans to come out here and take pictures, these are two good friends, my neighbors they area always here and they area showing off right now what I am bringing out here for all the Belizean people."
Courtney Weatherburne, reporter
"You area already starting to celebrate with the wine?"
Stanley Lizama, Mortician
"Well we start from today because valentine is everyday, people have to know how to be loved and treated and treat their loved everyday, it is not only on valentines you give them a gift and treat them right everyday."
A lesson of love from a mortician.
City residents are invited to stop by tomorrow to take pictures.