So, familiar faces like , Shannon, Talamas and Ambassador Stuart Leslie are now out of the picture - to be replaced by new ones, including, possibly, Caleb Orozco. He has been a part of international LGBTI Advocacy for years, and Elrington says his expertise in this area is being called upon:
Hon. Wilfred Elrington - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belize
"LGBTI has come onboard, they will be working with us. We have been having meetings with Caleb and they have presented a wonderful proposal to help us. They have a lot of experience and knowledge in advocacy and I've been asking him maybe for the last 2, 3 years to come onboard to help us. They put forward a very lovely proposal and I know that he met with Alexis last week so we are trying to spread a very wide net, bring in everybody who has the ability to help us, to help us.”