And apart from a new Contractor General, the government will also have to find a new chair of the Integrity Commission. That's because the former chairman Marilyn Williams has taken a seat on the Supreme Court bench. Today, Faber said it's not that simple - because the chair must be an attorney - who is willing to put all his personal financial information out there as a politically exposed person:...
Daniel Ortiz, reporter
"Who may be possible candidates to replace Justice Williams?"
Hon. Patrick Faber, Deputy Prime Minister
"We have introduced the topic and we have of course been trying to think about good people who can serve. Of course it is not only our task it is the social partners as well. We agreed to take on this position who have to be deemed a pep (politically exposed person) and that means that you have be more open and transparent to the wider world, given or push now to put in some of the measures for instance from UNCAC and other anticorruption measures. There is a lot that is now expected of such a person and so some people don't want that kind of exposure, they prefer to lead their private lives."