Just before our commercial break, we told you about the Hattieville home invasion targeting former Salvation Army Commander, Errol Robateau.
Well, that's not the only incident that has Hattieville residents on edge. 35 year-old Alaine Garcia, who recently moved to the village with his family 2 months ago, has been missing for 3 days now.
The last time he was seen was Tuesday morning when he walked his wife and their 3 kids to the road side so that they could catch the bus. Residents have told his worried common-law wife that there was a shooting near their home, and he was reportedly seen fleeing for his life.
Those closest to him tell us that he's a devoted family man, always in communication with his common-law wife, and attentive to his children when they get home.
But, now he's missing - and today we found his friends and family looking for him in the bush. It's their second day on the trail, and every day that he's missing, makes them more worried that he is in grave danger, or worse.
His common-law wife told us what she's found out so far:
Voice of: Kellyn Neal - Common-law wife
"Tuesday morning about minutes to 10 my co-worker he came to work and he told me that he heard gunshots close to my house because I need to be at work at 7, but his shift starts at 10. So he heard the gunshots and he heard the gunshots and when he told me, girl check on your common-law because he heard the gunshot close to my home. So, I went downstairs got my phone and I started to call him but there was no answer. The time when the shooting happened was between 7:30 to 7:36 and that's the time when he is walking back from dropping the kids because my house is about a 15-minute walk from the road side. I just continue to put 1 and 1 together and I spoke with people in the community who said that they saw him cry out when the gunshots rang and he ran. So, I'm thinking now that probably he got shot, he ran in the bushes, he collapsed, he cannot come out back, maybe even the worst he is dead and because this is from Tuesday then the rain washed away all trails. We can't see anything but yesterday when my niece and I came to do our own search, we saw a couple johncrows flying around in the area. We went as far as we could go but we didn't see anything or smell anything so far."
Daniel Ortiz, reporter
"How unusual is it that he is not at home to take care of your kids that Tuesday evening when they came home from school?"
Voice of: Kellyn Neal - Common-law wife
"Very unusual, he is always at home. If he is not at home he would let me know where he is. If I ask him to do something he would do it. As he comes back he would text me to let me know that he is home. If he is detained, same thing, he would text me, call me to let me know. So, this is very unusual that he is not at home. He has never done this before."
"We recently located to Hattieville about 2 months ago, due to our house being burnt down. Someone literally set the house on fire along with his car so that is why we came to Hattieville. In the area where we lived, that area at the complex area, those guys and the guys from another gang area, they have beef or whatever they call it, so whenever they used to see they would threaten him. He has gone in to numerous mediations because of this gang thing. So, I believe from the time they set the house on fire that's just a message. They made attempts on his life before and he has not reported it, some of it he has reported and that's why they went into mediation. So I believe that someone wants him dead or they probably have already done. We just need to find his body now."
The family wrapped up the day's search for Garcia this evening, and they will resume tomorrow. His common-law is asking for help from the general public to as they try to canvass Hattieville for him. Anyone who wishes to join them can contact her at telephone number 602-6571.