Today Hand in Hand Ministries received a much needed monetary donation from SMART. It's $15,000 dollars. The money will certainly go a long way to assist with projects especially those geared towards children and families affected by HIV and AIDS. We were there for the handing over:
Abel Vargas, Director of Operations, Hand in Hand Ministers
"Well first of all the donations we are getting from smart is an encouragement for us really. Ever since we started hand in hand about 15 years ago we have always tried to garner local community to assist us because most of our monies come from abroad of course and it is very important for us to show some local support so when Smart rose to the occasion for this it was very encouraging and we are very excited about it."
"The monies are going to be used primarily for the outreach program especially in this building here as you see we have already built the building , we are in here living and we are now in our permanent home however, there is a lot of bills to paid, nothing comes free of course. The monies will be used to finance what we have invested in our outreach program."
"Everything that you see for the outreach program, the playground you see outside, the daycare, the preschool, the kitchen area, the nurses quarters all of that goes directly to serve the children in our outreach program and the children that come here who are not necessarily affected by HIV but who are marginalized by other means."
Adelaide Sabido, PR and Branding Officer, SMART
"We have been partnering with Hand in Hand Ministries for the past year or so and you know a lot of the work Hand in Hand does is very respectable, honorable and hospitable and it falls in line with what we believe at Smart in being and serving the people of this nations."
Hand in Hand caters to 19 kids at their facility. But they also help 80 more kids outside their office.