So, that was a serious blow out that the UDP suffered yesterday, and, today, we got a reaction from both the UDP Mayoral Candidate for Orange Walk, and the Orange Walk East Area Rep., who was trying to close the gap on the PUP.
Here's what they had to say about the PUP's dominance in Sugar City:
Daniel Ortiz
"I know you're disappointed in Orange Walk. You were as a UDP general holding your ground, holding the line, the East."
Hon. Elodio Aragon Jr. - UDP Area Rep., Orange Walk East
"We always knew it was going to be hard in Orange Walk. We were up against the opposition party leader, we were up against a lot of money, we knew it was going to be tough, we were trying to ensure we get out and have our campaigners get out there and bring out the vote. The results speaks for itself, I think we have to look at it, definitely in the east we have to at what has went wrong, were we need to go but definitely that is politics. We have to look and go back to the drawing board and look at certain things. It was obvious that we did not get that support for the UDP 7 team so. "
Phillip De La Fuente - Mayoral Candidate, Orange Walk UDP
"First of all I would like to thank the people of Orange Walk for coming out to vote and for keeping everything quite. It's not the outcome we were expecting but the people or Orange Walk have spoken and it's something that the leadership in our party has to take into account."
Daniel Ortiz
"How does one regroup in terms of preparing for future elections?"
Phillip De La Fuente
"Well that is exactly what we have to do, regroup and re-strategize and see what we need to do."