So, while much energy was spent on personal attacks and counter-attacks - things got really sticky when the issue of corruption came up. As you might expect, both sides accused the other of being the most corrupt government ever:..
Hon. John Briceño, Leader of the Opposition
"This UDP administration came into office 10 years ago on a platform of zero tolerance on corruption and is going out as the most corrupt government ever. This is why I said earlier that they have become the very thing they once scorned and mocked in the public's square, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt."
Hon. John Saldivar - UDP Minister, Belmopan
"He's talking about this side of the isle, this UDP government being the most corrupt government ever, I have to ask him who on this side stole 200 million dollars which bear sterns in their report, I think more close to 180 million."
Hon. John Briceño
"There's no such evidence, there's no such evidence, there is no such evidence! And if there is the evidence we will lock them up! Lock them up if there is the evidence! Bring the evidence to the house! Bring the evidence in the house and stop the talk craziness!"
Hon. John Saldivar
"This hounourable gentleman come to this house and say he's tired of corruption and he sits right in the middle of the cesspool."