Yesterday we told you about "One Struggle", a support group where grieving families come together to bond over their losses. We heard from Phillip Willougby who is an integral part of the group, and today we have the input of the mothers and victims who have found great comfort and camaraderie in a fraternity of hurt and healing. Sahar Vasquez reports:
Sahar Vasquez reporting
In 2011 Marcia Argalles lost her precious nine-year son Joshua Abraham to gun violence. Abraham was innocently dancing around outside when he was killed. Argalles was left in a deep state of sorrow and shock. She would never be able to hold her little boy again. As devastated as she was, the mother found a way to cope. The colossal loss made her realize that no one is really there for the family that has lost a loved one. Most people can't relate to their pain. This realization inspired her to start a support group uniting all those that have been in her shoes.
Marcia Argalles, Mother of Deceased Joshua Abraham
"First we started as a support group. We supported each other because at the end of the day we realized that nobody is really there for the parents. So, Mr. Willougby decided to get a group just for supporting each other because some of us couldn't deal with the situation. So, we decided to be there for each other and if there are days that it is not a good day. Eventually, the crimes started getting worse and our group started getting bigger. We go out and we look for the family. We get the mothers. We try to get somebody that is related to the victim."
Argalles says the group doesn't want to march or protest they just want to be there for a grieving community.
Marcia Argalles, Group Member/Mother of Deceased Joshua Abraham
"We don't want to march or protest we want to go out to direct to the families, director the mothers. We believe that a child will listen to the mother. We believe that if we get to the mother the mother could go and speak to the child or to the neighbourhood and probably we could get some kind of help or some kind of the relief because too many mothers are crying too much."
Shaphan Domingo is a member of the group. He did not lose a family member but he is a survivor of gun violence. He was once able to move freely now he is constrained because he lost his two legs.
Shaphan Domingo, Group Member/Shooting Victim
"Everybody could tell you it has been kind of rough. It has been really rough. I was in a situation where I was used to just getting up and doing whatever I wanted. Now I have to depend on people. It is kind of rough and frustrating. Over a while, you just have to get used to it and get strong develop a certain mentality to deal with it and overcome it."
For Domingo and Argalles the support group has made all the difference in turning their lives around.
Shaffon Domingo, Group Member/SHooting VIctim
"It has helped me a lot. I have reached out to the mothers that have lost loved ones and they look at us as there kids in a way. I even reached in a situation where certain mothers come to me and to see even if my son was like you I would be ok with that. It is just a motivation to certain mothers to keep the faith and know we are out here and have been through it. We still have the life."
Marcia Argalles, Group Member/Mother of Deceased Joshua Abraham
"It helped me a lot because I can help other mothers. I am there for other parents. I shouldn't only say, mothers, I should say parent because we also have fathers. It helped me a lot because then I could reach out and I could comfort somebody else. It is very hard only the person that feels it knows it. People could say a lot of comments but only if you are in those shoes then you will know. As a parent that lost a child you could deal with another parent that that lost a child to comfort each other."
If you are interested in joining the One Struggle group you can visit their Facebook page.