And so while community policing and mediation were factors that made for a peaceful weekend, it was enough for the political directorate to hold off on those "Emergency Areas" that were supposed to be declared in Belize City. It would have been like a state of emergency in those zones - but the government now seems confident good, effective policing can contain the crime in those areas. Deputy Commissioner Williams commented:
ACP Chester Williams
"Well I am happy to see that the government does have confidence in the work of the police and the fact that that has been done is a feather in the police's cap to show that we are quite able and competent to take a grip of the crime situation. We are hoping that we can continue to hold the grounds and that we don't have to resort to that. If it is that we have to then by all means I will support whatever decision is made but I am happy that we are making inroads in the fight and I hope that we can continue making significant strides in trying to make Belize City calm."
Jules Vasquez, Reporter
"Sir, in your mediations I know you always speak about the carrot and the stick but now your stick has more power than before."
ACP Chester Williams
"Yes, I have more authority than I did before in a sense, as you have rightly alluded to that. I control the specialized units; that includes GSU, Special Patrol Unit, MIT, ANU. All of those operational units come under my responsibility. So, I have two fists, I have a carrot fist and I have an iron fist and it is a matter for them to decide which of the fists they want to see me use. And I will not hesitate to use either of them when the time comes. When it is time to get tough I will get tough and being tough is really tough. When it is that we can use diplomacy to be able to resolve issues then I am willing to use the carrot fist where diplomacy is concerned."