It's been in the news recently that the Ministry of Education and some school managements, plan to dock the salaries of the teachers who took part in the anti-crime rally in March. Today we asked the Minister of Education about it and he said it's fake news - he never directed that any teachers' salary be docked - but that's not the whole story, here's more:...
Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture/Deputy Prime Minister
"I am looking very carefully, I have seen that one newspaper has gone on record on the front page, this is the Amandala newspaper to say that Faber wants to dock the salaries of teachers and another media house I believe channel five, I can't say definitively who has blamed the ministry of education. I challenge the media house or anybody else, the union I don't know that they have particularly blamed the ministry to produce one document that says it is the ministry of Education that insisted or authorized the docking of salaries for that day. I bet you it can't be found so I want to caution those persons who are saying that and particularly that media house who has put my name in front of a newspaper making that claim. The ministry was consulted before the actual day by the management and the ministry made its position known that in fact there is a proper way to ask for a non-school day. It is a fact that nobody requested that non-school day in the manner which it ought to have been requested so the ministries position has got to be in support of any management that proceeded with that petition because that is what the regulations say ought to happen. We would be acting contrary to any such regulation if we said "oh you can't do that" when in fact if they consulted, they asked what is the position how it should be done. The union never made any requests to the ministry to have a non-school day."