Today we asked Cecil Jenkins for his response to the statement - which casts a very serious allegation on him and the other 5 persons who were terminated. Jenkins said it is a reckless and baseless claim which damages his reputation:...
Cecil Jenkins Sr., Terminated from City Hall
"Jules when they're painting you as a domestic terrorist, those things can condemn your life on a whole. Anyone of us, on behalf of me, if they say something like that incriminating you like that, your professional ways of dealing with people. You going to walk to another business, and apply for a job, how will they look at us? I can attest that I Cecil Jenkins have nothing to do with any kind of arson to Miss Rudon or to condemn anyone's life. Whosoever has done such an act I believe that such things should have never happened? I hope that no one is taking what we're going through for their own purpose. I condemn such act and I don't believe in things like that. I am a believer of the law, I do things by that. I may be the one coming forward on the TV and taking these interviews, I don't even have those kinds of thoughts. I believe in my opinion that the council is trying to shift all the focus away from them and paint us. How can they incriminate us? What more do they want to do to us? They already dragged us on the ground, they want to walk on us now? For a statement like that to come from the council to try and incriminate us, or they may have no doubt that it's because of the termination. I, Cecil Jenkins, come from a good family. I don't come from a family of terrorist. No one know us to come from mishaps, we are love and peace."
Former City Administrator Candice Miller told us today by text, quote "I think (Sharlene Rudon is) being attacked unfairly for simply carrying out directives…(I) hope the culprits are caught."