7 News Belize

Festival Of The Arts Starts
posted (May 15, 2018)
The Festival of Arts is an annual event where primary and high school kids showcase their many talents. Today was day one of this year's festival and the kids took to the stage at Birds Isle with a great deal of excitement. We stopped by to find out more about the festival and what this year has to offer.

Darlene Lozano, Education Officer
"The festival of art highlights the expressive arts program in schools. This year we are doing it over three days. The 15th, 16th, and 17th. The 15th and 16th are for primary schools and the 17th is for secondary schools."

"We have performances in drama, music, and dance. This morning we had 22 items from six different primary schools."

"They are not judged, they are adjudicated. Based on a set of criteria. All students who participate will receive a certificate depending on the results. Some will get gold and some will get silver."

"They can perform, we had training for the teachers. They can perform items for the different categories under drama, music, and dance."

This stage of the Festival - which is eliminations for the finals - will come to an end on Thursday. The winners will play on the Bliss Stage at the end of the month.

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