He allegedly set some barrels under a Hopkins Village guest house on fire in an attempt to kill two men inside. And for that, Hopkins Fisherman Daron Gonzalez was charged for murder and arson. Police explained today that they got advice on this from the DPP:..
ACP Joseph Myvett
"Police continues to investigate the matter of the arson in Hopkins, and have arrested and charged [twenty-one-year-old] Daron Gonzalez for the crime of arson and the crime of murder since yesterday."
"No, he was an associate of the deceased."
"Is it the understanding of police that he killed the man and then burned up the house..."
ACP Joseph Myvett
"No, that is not our understanding."
"...so as to have him burn up inside the house?"
ACP Joseph Myvett
"So, would you still be charged for murder if you burned down a building with someone in there? How does that work?"
ACP Joseph Myvett
"That is what the evidence is showing and the evidence gathered was referred to the officer of the director of public prosecution for her advice before these charges proffered."
Best information says that Gonzalez had a fight earlier in the night with George Magana. Gonzalez allegedly went to settle the score by setting the guest house Magana and another man were staying at on fire. They had both been drinking, so Magana's friend woke up and managed to run out the door. He tried to wake up Magana, but he could not and he perished inside. Police only found his charred remains.