The 10th anniversary of the Flowers Bank Village Festival was held on Saturday, in the River Valley Village. Guest speaker Dr. Colin Young who is form down the river at Bermudian Landing spoke about the lessons of the Public Meeting where the so called Flowers Bank Negroes made their names:
Colin Young, Guest Speaker
"14 people decide to vote yes in 1797. They change our world, our history, our country. As residents of Flowers Bank and as Belizeans let this be an important lesson that is we are powerful when we are organized, despite the size of our group. We owe it to the Flowers Bank 14 and the other 51 who voted yes and we owe it to our future generations to ensure at that we know and we celebrate our history. To this end I would be remiss if I don't acknowledge and thank all the organizers: NICH, the village council, the Creole Council and all those who continue to make sure that we never forget what happened on June 1, 1797."
The event is organized by The Flowers Bank Village along with NICH.