On Monday was asked PUP Leader John Briceño about reports that Mike Rudon, the editor of the Party's Newspaper, the Belize Times, had resigned. He said that he knew nothing of this, but tonight, we can confirm that at the end of this month, Rudon will no longer be working at the Times.
We spoke with him via telephone this evening, and he confirmed that he handed in his resignation letter yesterday. He said that he and the Newspaper, and the Party, for that matter, are parting ways on amicable terms, and that he simply got a better job offer.
He wrote about it in his Sober Reflections's column of this week's edition of the paper.
In his column, titled "The Resignation", Rudon wrote, quote,
"...I was not let go from the paper. There is no bitter, or even sweet discord between me and the Party leadership. My decision to resign is not related to Patrick Andrews… I have been allowed free rein with this column. I have never had anybody watching over my shoulder, nor have I had to submit what I write to anybody for approval." End quote.
Last week in that column, Rudon wrote a rant about Patrick Andrews, using ugly and offensive language to describe the former PUP candidate.