The Santander Sugar Group got a strong rap on the knuckles today when the Export Processing Zone Committee handed down its decision on the company infractions of the EPZ regulations.
First, the Committee denied their application for a waiver of the EPZ regulations so that they can sell sugar locally. The Committee found, quote, "the main conclusion from the assessment was that there is not any shortage of sugar in the domestic market. Based on this, and other findings of the assessment report, the EPZC decided that market conditions do not warrant the waiver at this time, and hence, the committee was unable to favorably consider Santander's request to sell sugar and molasses in the local market at this time."
And then, the Committee also reviewed Santander's violations of EPZ regs and decided, quote, "to impose the maximum fine applicable under the EPZ Act."
Today, PUP Deputy Leader, cane farmer and Orange Walk South Representative Jose Mai said that it is not time to rejoice:
Hon. Jose Mai, PUP Deputy Leader - NORTH
"I am pleased for the farmers in the North, but I'm a bit concern for Santander. They are heavy investors and if they have been selling sugar on the local market is because they have a need to market their product. With the price of sugar going down on the European market and the world market, so I am pleased for the farmers in the north, but it's not a time to rejoice because of Santander not being given waiver."
"If I am a norteno who just is recovering from the shock of seeing this plantation white Santander sugar in the Orange Walk market, I mean that was really like a slap in the face for the nortenos. I am saying why is my representative or my fellow cane farmer taking up for the big bad wolf."
Hon. Jose Mai, PUP Deputy Leader - NORTH
"No Jules, I am not taking up for the big bad wolf. As a matter of fact I spoke clearly on this matter. I was against Santander when they did that. I am against them being given a waiver and I am against that. But I'm concern for them as a Belizean and as a area representative. In parliament we have to look at investments across this country."
The Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Commerce has formally notified the company of the need to abide by all the Laws of Belize, and that any further infractions can result in the revocation of its EPZ status.