Our next story is about a man known as Professor Chumba, the Fire Eater. But, it's not about his pyrotechnic prowess, it's actually about a park. Chumba's legal name is Ronald Reneau - and the City Council has learned that he is the leaseholder for what they thought was a public park. It's Louise Bevans Park on Central American Boulevard. Looking at it today - it's no more than a rundown and overgrown lot - but residents say that up until 10 years ago - it was an active park.
But it's also parcel 1801, which, according to an internal city Council memo it is no longer public; it's private property leased to Reneau. The discovery has raised eyebrows because Reneau is the side-man for Area Representative Anthony Boots Martinez. Today we went to Chumba's home on Pen Road to ask him if he's the leaseholder - and what we got was no less than an advanced course in bush lawyer argumentation. Sound confusing? You will be too after you hear from the Professor:..
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"I have to ask you straight up: they say that the Louise Bevans Park has been leased in your name. Is that true?"
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"Let me tell you something, the first thing that I want people to know is that they have to at the registry to find out how many Ronald Reneau is there. That the first thing they have to do before calling my name."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Let's be real. We are in Port Loyola, you are the known side man for the area representative Boots Martinez."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"Yes I am listening to you."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Maybe he put you down as somebody..."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"Right at this house you have more than one Ronald Reneau registered here."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"You are playing a game."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"The first thing they have to do is to go to the registry and find out how many Ronald Reneau there are before I can answer your question."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"Man, you are giving me the run around."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"It's the truth. When you want to find the truth you go to the registrar and find out how many Ronald Reneau are there."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"There is only one Ronald Reneau in front of me and I am asking that Ronald Reneau, sir, are you the lease holder for the Louise Bevans Park on Louise Bevans Street?"
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"Before you ask me that, you have more than one Ronald Reneau."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"But you are the only one I got in front of me."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"They only way they can prove my name Ronald Reneau is if they bring a paper for me that say "I Ronald Reneau." I am not. You have more than one Ronald Reneau."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"I am asking if it's you."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"I don't know."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"You don't know."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"I just get up. This is what people are telling me."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"If you ask me if I own this piece of land, I could tell you yes or no."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"I own this at Pen Road."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"How will you not know if you are the lease holder for the place? That is yes or no."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"Yes or no I can say there is more than one Ronald Reneau."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"You are running a game on me."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"I am not running a game."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"The talking what they are saying out there is that "Chumba" the fire eater which is you..."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"Once there is more than one Ronald Reneau and they come to me and say this is the Ronald Reneau then I can answer it."
Jules Vasquez, reporter
"It's like you are dodging the question."
Ronald "Professor Chumba" Reneau
"I cannot dodge anything. All I am saying is that they have to go to the registry first and find out which of the Ronald Reneau."
So which Ronald Reneau is it? We strongly believe it's that one - but we'll keep following the story.