Now there were a number of local and international presenters at the summit speaking on a wide range of topics. One presenter from Maine, USA presented on the impact of social media storytelling. Now we know people share everything on social media - especially on Facebook from what food they eat for lunch, to their new clothes and shoes, to all their relationship business - the list goes on. But Kristin Fuhrmann-Simmons says the concept of social media storytelling is so much deeper than that and it is very useful in connecting with customers on a more personal level.
Kristin Fuhrmann-Simmons, Owner, Kristin Simmons Digital Media
"My involvement here with the BTB is that I am here to share social media storytelling. We have a lot of evidence after a decade of active social media use that people connect with stories. And so I am here to share with the people that are part of the BTB with the tourism and hospitality industry how they can use their natural story telling skills to get found online."
"Search is changing a lot where it can now process natural language over just key words and that is good news for business owners who just want to be themselves online and this is teaching them how and what to do."
Courtney Weatherburne, reporter
"Tell us about your business and how this whole concept of social media storytelling, how you incorporate that in your work?"
Kristin Fuhrmann-Simmons
"So the businesses I work with range from tourism and hospitality businesses, to banks and also to auto dealerships and across the board in every single one of those business we strategically set up campaigns that incorporate story telling from customer testimonials to the experience of how the products that they make are built or sold to the public, those stories sell more than just for example saying that we have a car for $14,000 right, what is it like to be in that car, what is it like to have maintenance on that car , are you able to carry your kids around."
"It is one of those things that once we tap into people's feelings, it is like we create that warmth and fuzziness right, they want to share, they want to share that wonderful experience."
Courtney Weatherburne
"How is this concept different from reviews because you know there are websites where there is a section you can write your reviews?"
Kristin Fuhrmann-Simmons
"Certainly, so the difference really is you have the chance to control it and go a little bit deeper with the testimonials per say. When someone is coming online to review we don't know what mood their in, we don't know how they are feeling, storytelling is a little bit different because we can take that and say what is the experience like, we can have a little bit more control and shift the perspective and that is what gives us a little bit more power online online."