The National Aids Commission today hosted a ceremony to thank their partners for contributing to National test day on June 29th. It was a successful test day with about 1700 persons coming out to be tested, including a fair number of men. So this morning at the Inspiration Center, the commission gifted 6 of their partners with paintings created by some talented youth. Here's more:
Enrique Romero, Executive Director, National Aids Commission
"The public - private partnership is very important if we are going to fill gaps in financing left by the withdrawal of Scotia banks partnership. So the event this morning is to show our appreciation to the entities that made National Testing Day a success. I am glad to report that our presentation of some of the art work to the business, we have two new business who stepped up to the plate and came onboard and made our National Testing Day an success and that is the and that is the BNE Charitable Trust fund and Atlantic Bank Limited."
"We worked with our young artists in Belize and we had them paint HIV related paintings and so what we are doing is we are gifting these paintings to our partners who contributed to making the national testing day a success."
"In terms of statistics, looking at the testing day, how many people came out on testing day to get tested?"
Enrique Romero
"Right, our target was roughly between 1200 to 1400 persons in the end we tested over 1700 persons. That we can attribute to the great public- private cooperation we had. We had entities like Digicell who had phone cards so we were able to provide, yes, as an incentive for people to get tested."
Up to 2017, there are 4,500 persons confirmed to be living with HIV and AIDS in Belize.