For months now we've been reporting on re-registration. It's part of the awareness campaign to get voters mobilised to go to their nearest polling station and get re-registered. For some, particularly those with the least resources in rural areas, it can mean long walks or bus rides on hot days to get to that polling station. But what no one told them is that - if they show up in a shirt or blouse without sleeves they'll be rejected. That's right - it wasn't part of the information campaign - but if you do not have sleeves on your shirt or top, you cannot re-register.
Our News Director Jules Vasquez who is no fan of re-registration in the first place - found this requirement a bit much - and so he decided to test it. He narrates how that went:
Now, we aren't sure whether his application was rejected or accepted - since a receipt was written out - but after that, a supervisor objected and Jules was told to leave the receipt there. We'll see where it goes.
And, a note, both political parties told us they keep jackets at their scrutineers stations for persons with sleeveless tops.