The "Mesoamerica Hunger Free" project was first launched in 2015 in Mexico. It was implemented in Belize and about 13 other countries. Well, it has been a success so far, feeding kids at 4 schools in the south. But Belize can do more. So today at the Mexican Institute Belizean and Mexican project partners held a press conference to announce that they are planning to form what is called a Parlamentary Front against Hunger and Malnutrition. The idea is to get Belizean senators and other politicians involved in this hunger free fight to make more of an impact. Here is more from the conference.
Carol Babb - Chief Education Officer
"It is important that we join this parliamentary group because it will ensure that our children in schools are eating healthily. When children eat healthily they participate more in the classroom, they are more active, and their attention span is longer. We also find out that they have less illnesses and the absences reduces. This model also encourages small farmers, family farming, encouraging schools or the government to purchase products from small farmers so there is an income generation aspect for people who live in rural areas who are poor so that is also helping in economic development. I think that down the line or very soon I think Belize will have to implement a law that help to promote and support family agriculture."
Senator Luisa Maria Calderon Hinojosa - Coordinator, Parliamentary Front against Hunger
"In Belize we celebrate that since 2 years ago, FAO and AMEXCID. You know that AMEXCID is an agency from Mexico that supports this political strategy. AMEXCID and FAO works with Belize government to improve on the strategy to help children to have a better nutrition, a model of nutrition in the school. The school is the only way you find children together and you can help them have a better nutrition. Here in Belize there is 19% of children without good nutrition."
A discussion was held this evening at 4 at the Marion Jones where Speaker of the House Laura Longsworth , Education Minister Patrick Faber among others met to discuss the way forward on this Belize Charter on Hunger. The team also plans to expand the feeding program to 2 more schools in each district.